Naujavaan Mandalee Youth Group

The Naujavaan Mandalee Youth Group (NMYG) is the pride of the Shaanti Bhavan Mandir and  a vivid representation of what we stand for.  The mission of Shaanti Bhavan is to mentor youths through spiritual evolution, to build a foundation of character based on Hindu morals and values, to equip our youths with spiritual knowledge, traditional values and cultural heritage bestowed upon us by the Vedas and our fore parents.  Through religious classes, kirtan lessons, and seva activities, our vision is to meet the social and spiritual needs of our youths to allow them to build a faith based foundation to help them grow while providing volunteer services to the community.   When our youths stand united, Sanatan Dharma can prosper and be sustained.


Our youth build their confidence and public speaking skills as they take turns performing, reciting and hosting the Havan Yajna. NMYG meet monthly to perform the Havan Yajna.


No previous experience with Indian music, tabla/dholak or harmonium is required. Learning Indian rhythm can add depth and open new avenues of creativity. Teaching is customized to the needs and skill of each student.

Cultural Classes

Classes are held every Sunday, unless noted. It is broken up into into Cultural and Kirtan. Children also gets the opportunity to participate in cultural events, fundraisers and seva (community service).


Every week a Naujavaanee is given the opportunity to write an article in the Caribbean Star Newspaper. Topics include Hinduism and current events.

Click here to view the latest a paper.

Our story

As one of hundreds of small Indo-Caribbean temples in Queens, we distinguish ourselves by focusing on educating our youth, performing acts of service and cleaning up the environment.  Our youth group’s motto is a famous Satya Sai Baba quote: “the hands that service are holier than the lips that pray.” 

Our mandir is not just a place that we come and we pray, it goes beyond that. It’s an institution for higher learning. This is why we not only teach the next generation but also help them understand our traditions and give them the skills to become successful adults.

“To merely observe your culture without contributing to it seems very close to existing as a ghost”
– Chuck Palahniuk

“Be the change you want to see in the world”
– Mahatma Gandhi


“Aspire for Peace by Prayers”